Painful Website Updates

Recently I was fortunate enough to have Jonathan Stark and a few people from his community examine and rip it a new one. It stung but I did not let the feedback go to waste. I got a lot of the updates recommended by them implemented on my dev site(not the live) and I am not sure I love it. The reason it took so long was for SEO purposes I had to convert it from a React app to a SSR NextJS app.

Home page - I moved that to be the focus of the blog and the video content. Consulting Page - I might move this to which currently I own but is not set up. I removed the early calls to action, I am working on a video for it now to fill in that todo. I added a sitemap and removed the header and footer links to other pages to avoid bleed.

Book Page - I cleaned this page up and added my video to it.

Free Resources Page - I didn't do much here except move up the reference to the book page.

Still a work in progress, I think I am going cross eyed from staring at it so any feedback would be greatly appreciated.


PS: If you are interested in engaging my services as a Web Application Architect check out my Group Coaching Program or 1 on 1 Consulting at and check out my FREE eBook 20 Things You Can DoTo Save Money On Your Amazon Web Services Bill Today

This post is one in a series of posts that are sample chapters from my FREE eBook 20 Things You Can DoTo Save Money On Your Amazon Web Services Bill Today. Feel free to download the full eBook for free if you want the whole thing.