What skills are more important today than 9 years ago?

Recently in one of the professional development communities I take part in someone posted this link to an interesting graph of how professional skills have changed by industry and by specific job title. Of course I dropped in “Software Architect” and found the results to be interesting; not completely out of what I would expect but interesting nonetheless.

Digging into the list under “Software Architect” I would have figured with the rise of AI Python of course is an essential to at least have a solid base in. Java it seems is still going strong from 2015.

The new members that caught my eye were AWS and Cloud Computing which I would have thought were hot in 2015 but again I have been doing AWS Cloud Computing since 2010 so I am a bit biased.

Filtering out the few buzzwords that made their way into the list, the two that caught me off guard were F5 BigIP and C++. F5 I had never heard of and C++ being an older language that is widely used and I hold in high regard but did not expect to be climbing the ladder to the top of the list at this point in time.

All in all it was an interesting thing to find. It makes me curious what skills will be in demand 9 years from now. For now good luck keeping your skills ahead of the curve and let me know if you have any tips or tricks you use to read the tea leaves and navigate the ever changing nature of the industry.


PS: If you are interested in engaging my services as a Web Application Architect check out my Group Coaching Program or 1 on 1 Consulting at schematical.com and check out my FREE eBook 20 Things You Can DoTo Save Money On Your Amazon Web Services Bill Today