📈 Pop quiz: are you monitoring your monitoring costs?

Tools like CloudWatch and X-Ray are incredibly powerful for gaining visibility into your AWS environment, but if you're not careful, they can also become a major drain on your budget.

When troubleshooting an issue or optimizing performance, it's tempting to leave these services running at full throttle 24/7.

But not every metric or log entry is equally valuable, and you're probably paying for a lot of data that you don't actually need.

The key is to be strategic about your observability practices.

For example I found one of my clients was spending about $4k a month ingesting full access logs from their primary application servers. These were all logs that no one was looking at and, therefore was a complete waste of money.

Start by auditing your current monitoring setup and identifying any areas where you might be over-collecting or retaining data unnecessarily.

From there, you can adjust your logging verbosity to capture only the most essential information and set up alarms to automatically scale back your monitoring during low-traffic periods or when you're not actively working on a particular issue.

By being more selective and deliberate about what you monitor and how you can strike a better balance between insight and cost efficiency.

But I know this can be a tricky area to navigate, especially as your environment grows more complex.

That's why I would love to hear from you - what monitoring metrics and practices have you found most valuable for your applications?

How do you decide what to collect and what to ignore?

Share your wisdom in the comments, and let's work together to build more sustainable, cost-effective observability strategies.