Single-purposed functions vs. “Lambdalith”

Are you on team “Micro Service” or team “Monolith”?
The internet is full of devs arguing this point and dying on that hill.
But for you folks using or considering using Lambdas where do you stand?
A variety of specialty-focused Lambdas or a “Lambdalith”?
While I have had to navigate these waters before deciding which to use I only recently heard the term “Lambdalith” and I love it!
Things to consider when weighing in
While I love the idea, especially for small projects, of keeping the code all in one place be careful to consider Lambdas limitations.
Things like the 250 MB maximum size of the contents of a deployment package, including layers and custom runtimes(unzipped).
I would hate to have you on the verge of deploying some new functionality only to have you hit one of those limits. That can still happen with Lambda MicroServices but you are more likely to hit it if you are stuffing all your code into one Lambdalith.
So which side are you on: Single-purposed functions vs. “Lambdalith”?
Let me know.
A quick update:
Business is really moving here at Schematical and with the project so I am starting to scale up my team again.
So I am hiring for a few contract positions.
If you know a designer that wants to help with the Cloud War Games branding check out this design contest.
If you know anyone in setting up a marketing machine for Cloud War Games send them my way.
Finally, if you know of anyone who would make a good executive assistant to a madman like myself, please point them in my direction.
I appreciate it!