CTO Think Tank - A Mastermind Group For Leaders In Tech

CTO Think Tank - A Mastermind Group For Leaders In Tech

Do you ever wish you had a group of like minded tech people to brainstorm with? To share your problems with and get expert feedback? To hold each other accountable? Well I sure do. This past year I have found the power of industry specific mastermind groups and communities. Most of the ones I am a part of are specific to consulting or entrepreneurship but not tech or cloud computing.

So I am starting one. Let me introduce The CTO Think Tank (CTOThinkTank.com). The plan is to host a small discord community that will allow us to learn from each other as we take our careers in tech to the next level.

Additionally I would love to get in the rhythm of hosting a bi-weekly(every other week) live mastermind calls where we can present our problems and get feedback from our mastermind peers.

I’ve stacked the deck a bit by inviting some of the heavier hitters I know in tech after that I am giving away free lifetime memberships to the first 12 that apply and are accepted. If that is as far as it goes then great! If it expands past that I may start charging but the end goal isn’t really to cash in on this, more to ensure that the people there are taking it seriously.

So what are you waiting for? Join me and other tech leaders at CTOThinkTank.com.