Productivity Tip: Creative Slump? Change Your Environment

Last week I realized I was in a bit of a creative slump. I had spent so much time in my home office that I had gone a bit cross eyed. I had also binged myself on YouTube videos about AI startups ideas when it is already a pretty saturated market. I am by no means saying the market is 100% full, but I kept hearing the same ideas that had been done to death. My mind went on auto pilot at a time when I needed it to be creative.

Realizing this I used a little trick I had used many times in the past. I needed to change something up. My mind was like an old record stuck in a loop and needed a bump to get out of the infinite cycle. One of the easiest things you can do is change your environment. Historically in times of extreme burn out I would buy a one way ticket somewhere I had never been before and that seemed to do the trick and then some. Right now that seems like overkill. Instead going and working from a coffee shop or even just relocating to a spot upstairs I don’t normally work from seemed to do the trick.

I also indulged my mind by switching gears and trying to solve a problem that is different from the problems my mind is used to solving.

Basically if you find yourself suffering from creative burnout consider changing up something. That could be as small as changing environments or the problems you are trying to solve.

Another tangential tip: I try to keep my office sacred in a way. When I sit in that chair it needs to trigger my productive habits. Don’t condition yourself to do anything but productive work in that environment. Try not to eat, game, or consume my evening recreational media where you do your productive work, it all just blends together that way.