Business Idea: Mailing List to Podcast Tool

I am an avid audiobook and podcast listener. I also don’t like having my email inbox full of a ton of random email blasts even if it is something I signed up for. Then I got to thinking, wouldn't it be nice if I could convert all the written information coming in from the various sources into small short podcasts that I could listen to while I work out or walk the dogs.

I could still ingest the information, just in a way that better suits me. Of course being an entrepreneur I immediately think: Can I make this into a product?

Honestly it wouldn’t be hard to do. First thing I would do is setup an inbound email domain with AWS’s SES(Simple Email Service) then I could give each user that signed up their own email address they could use when they sign up for the various mailing lists they subscribed to.

Then everytime a new email came in I would store it in dynamoDB until the user wants to listen to it then I would send the body of the email over to Eleven Labs for it to generate the voice file I would then return to the end user. I suppose there would be a mobile app side that would be a pain to maintain.

I am curious if I could put an LLM in there as well to generate a summary each one so you could decide if you wanted to listen to it before digging in. Additionally you could use an LLM to filter out the junk like footer text or the text that is repeated on every post.

I would be curious if there were ways I could ingest all my various social media content(at least the text based content) via audio so I could be doing something productive like working out instead of staring at a screen.

I would wager there is already something like that out there but I still like to dream a bit when I come across fun little business ideas like this.