AWS EventBridge Now Allows Cross Account Targets. + CloudWarGames First Scenario:

If you have been following my Event Driven Architecture content then you might be excited about the fact that AWS’s Event Bridge now allows cross account targets.

So if you staging env is on one account and your prod is on another but you want some of that information mirrored then you can use EventBridge to send events from one account to resources in another.

Another use case would be if you were building a tool like that pushes email into their customers AWS account now you could push events into that AWS account via event bridge to be consumed or vice versa.

I personally am a Kinesis guy but I should take another look at EventBridge as an alternative.

PS: Here is the YouTube Short for this post.


Here is a prompt for an advanced Scenario that we will likely use for the Cloud War Games events coming up:

It is Friday December 23rd. The Christmas party was last night, lots of devs are hungover or otherwise took the day off. You being the hard worker you are, you are the only one with AWS access online right now.

A customer service person just informed you that there are dozens of reports of users getting spammed from the email that our platform usually sends emails from.

What do you do?

By the way feel free to play along asynchronously by emailing or DMing me what your next steps would be.